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Institution: Cairns Hospital - QLD, Australia
To assess patient survival and ancillary outcomes when managed by the Pulmonary Embolus Response Team (PERT) in Cairns Hospital.
We conducted a retrospective, single-centre cohort study. Patients admitted to ICU with a diagnosis of pulmonary embolus were included, from January 1st 2022 to December 31st 2023 inclusive. Patients identified as having low-risk PEs were excluded. Primary endpoints were all-cause mortality rate and the proportion of patients undergoing catheter-directed thrombolysis/thrombectomy or IVC filter insertion. Secondary endpoints comprised patients’ discharge destination from hospital and the incidence of haemodynamic or respiratory failure.
37 patients were included, only one of which suffered a massive PE. The remainder presented with submassive PEs. One patient (2.7%) was risk-stratified as being high risk, one patient was intermediate low risk, and the remaining cases were intermediate high risk. Inpatient all-cause mortality rate was 5.41% (n = 2 patients). 15 patients (41%) were treated with systemic thrombolysis, 3 patients (8%) underwent catheter-directed thrombolysis, and another 3 underwent IVC filter insertion. None required intubation or ECMO. 31 patients (84%) were directly discharged home from hospital.
An established and accessible PERT Guideline expedites commencement of appropriate, life-saving treatment. It is an especially valuable resource in a regional centre, such as Cairns Hospital, due to the high proportion of IHTs from rural and remote facilities. While our reported all-cause mortality rate is superior to that described in the literature, this is confounded by a small sample size.
Dr Myrna Ishak - , Dr Sherab Bhutia -