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Presentation Description
Institution: Wollongong Hospital - NSW, Australia
Purpose: Venous thromboembolism (VTE), including deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), is a common and potentially life-threatening condition that is not always managed by vascular surgery teams in many public hospitals across Australia and New Zealand. The estimated annual incidence of VTE requiring hospitalisation in Australia in 1.72 per 1000 population, with an economic annual cost of AUD 1.72 billion Patients who suffer from VTE often have complex medical and surgical needs, comorbidities and require long-term surveillance, follow-up and ongoing management. Vascular surgeons are best suited to providing the holistic care that these patients require.
Methodology: A qualitative study was performed using structured interviews of SET trainees that had taken part in VTE specific training. The key questions asked related to their change in perceptions about VTE management, their thoughts on the importance of long-term management needs of patients, and the benefits of surgeon-led management.
Results: It is the view of SET trainees that have been a part of VTE specific training that surgeon-led management of VTE results in improved long-term outcomes for patients, due to the specialist knowledge and expertise of vascular surgeons in managing the disease in the long-term and its complications. Additionally, vascular surgeons are able to stay up-to-date with the latest advances in technology and understanding of the disease, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care through holistic management without a single system perception of the pathology.
Conclusion: Vascular surgeons should be leading the management of VTE, due to their specialist training and expertise, and the long-term management needs of patients with the condition. By advocating for this change, we can improve the quality of care for patients with VTE.
Dr Erin Saricilar - , Dr Laurencia Villalba -